This can happen due to various reasons –

  1. PAN Number missing– At times it may happen that the PAN number of the client is not provided in the transaction file. In such cases the folio numbers are not mapped with the client and that leads to the scheme missing issue. NJ & Prudent transaction files do not provide the client’s PAN number. So, before uploading the transactions file you have to add the PAN number against each transaction.  It could also happen that if a particular transaction is in the name of a minor then too there is no PAN number. In such cases you have an option to manually map the folio to that particular client. Visit the Folio Mapping section to map the folio manually.
  1. Transaction feed not uploaded – You may have missed to upload the transaction files.

If you still face this issue, please raise a ticket by clicking here and our support reps will look into the issue.  In the message body, please clearly mention the following: 

  1. investor name where the scheme isn't reflecting
  2. the scheme name