Mobile No | 10 digits only |
PAN | 10 digits only |
Email Id | Should be unique |
Date of Birth | dd/mm/yyyy |
Marital Status | Allowed values: Married, Single |
Gender | Allowed values: Male, Female |
Aadhar Number | 12 digits only |
Group Code |
Should be unique. Group Code helps you automatically club family members while copy/pasting data. Maintain a uniform Group Code while adding multiple family members. Some ideas for Group Code: Consider using any one member's PAN,Mobile,Email Id, Aadhar as Group Code. |
Is Group head? |
Allowed values: Yes, No. The software requires a Group Head for every family. E.g. if you are adding 4 members in a family, then "Is Group Head" should be "Yes" for one member and "No" for 3 members. Ensure that the Group Code in the above 4 members is uniform. |
Stock Unique Code | If you are a stock sub broker then we allow you to copy/paste your client's stock transaction history as well. In most cases your broker provides a Unique client code. If yes, add it here. |
Is KYC compliant? | Allowed values: Yes, No |
Occupation | Open text area. Supports any text |
Phone Office | Supports pin code as well |
Phone Residence | Supports pin code as well |